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A quiet voice from some distant corner.

It's been a while since my last post. For a number of reasons I had gone to ground.

Taking shelter for a moment.

First among those reasons is the increasingly intolerant attitude held by those who lean toward the Left, both those in government and individuals I happen to know. Say or do something that they don't like and they'll bury you with accusations of being a White Supremacist, a Fascist, or more specifically a Nazi.

Name-calling is hurtful enough even when it's not true, but now a number of these folks are using insidious ways along with those labels to create far worse things. Like doxing, throwing a red-flag - claiming you're going to shoot up some place ( never!! ), triggering a law enforcement investigation, or tainting your online reputation records. Some will defend those activities with the religious zeal of witch hunters while others will bizarrely claim they were "just having fun". You have to worry not just about yourself, but your family.

I don't believe in Nazism, Fascism or any race-based ideology. Believing that one is superior/inferior to some other race, gender or sexuality is a sure-fire way of getting tossed out of my game group. I've banned people for lesser sins and am not afraid to do it again.

But there are extremists out there. In recent years they've become increasingly bold and frankly they are a threat to all of us. They've been organizing riots, convincing corporations to force employees to attend indoctrination sessions, and lobbying for structural changes to our society itself.

So if you have gone to ground why suddenly are you writing? I had hoped all this extremism would be quelled after a brief shudder to the Left. But in the last few months it's become evident how deep the cancer is.

In Canada the Prime Minister invoked emergency powers just to shut down a group of truck drivers who were opposed to forced vaccinations. Trudeau even seized private bank accounts with the intent of ruining these driver's personal lives. Those are the  actions of a tyrant.

Here in the US, the local oil, gas, coal industries have been shut down using some bizarre logic about "going Green". We're not turning into a Green economy, instead have $5.00/gallon gasoline with predictions of $10.00 in the future. Police departments have shut down, they have no fuel to respond to emergency calls with. Those in power are not concerned, they are celebrating this "transition". With fuel costs this high other parts of the economy are shutting down, the rest being saddled with breathtaking increases in prices. The US President has taken on the role of Nero, enjoying a bowl of ice cream while the country burns.

Nero also persecuted Christians. The Progressives now in power are doing the same. When someone leaked a draft document written by one Supreme Court justice activists began vandalizing churches, threatening to burn the Eucharist, and even killing or trying to kill judges. There is talk of abolishing amendments, changing Senate rules, and stacking courts with rubber-stamp judges. All this with tacit approval from those elected.

Unlike Rome we now have an entire block of tyrants in power. Dozens of monsters on the throne and in orbit around it.

All of them have to be removed from power. I hope that can be done via legal means - elections, impeachments, and indictments. Though that may no longer be possible due to the massive corruption of our social structure. I won't condone violence, but will not be surprised when it happens. God help us all... 


  1. For many years I've read the articles on the blog "LLNL - The True Story". It was a private blog outside the fence, dedicated to issues of retirement, lab environment, and management activities. I even helped co-administer the blog for a while, helping get a rash of trolls firmly under control.

    In recent months there has been a marked increase in posts with strong WOKE content. This bothered me not only for the cultural offense, but also violating blog rules about politics.

    The posts have gotten more shrill in recent days and have taken on a personal nature. I've been told to conform to California mindset or face censure, including having my pension cut. Now one individual wants Lab people to join the fight against MAGA folks - actions like no-fly lists, bans from voting, gun seizures, and more.

    I did try to respond. The moderator rejected the posts. Private communication with that person was no help - he's clearly gone to the Left. A friend has had similar experiences and drawn the same conclusion.

    It's the mind-set that worries me. Institutional loss of liberty is seldom temporary nor the final step taken. It looks like a new Holocaust is beginning.


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