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Transition to a New Year

New Year's came and went. Unfortunately not without a mass-killing. In New Orleans a man plowed his truck through the crowd before emerging from his vehicle firing a gun. Law enforcement on-site did reply back rapidly, killing the perpetrator.

FBI officials initially called this a terrorist act. Now one official has  labeled this just the act of a lone wolf. Once again the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security are gaslighting the American people, just like those statements that "The border is secure.".

A man with radical mindset loads a vehicle with IEDs, flies a ISIS flag, then roars off to kill as many innocents as he can. In Israel, that would be a terrorist act. Why don't we call it what it is?

Fear. Officials are unwilling to face up to the fact they failed to prevent the attack.  By quickly labelling the killings as done by a lone wolf they don't have to investigate and prosecute the support structure that converted this man into a killing machine for radical Islam. America should relax, no terror cells are running around unchecked.

This coming from an administration that has been allowing huge numbers of undocumented persons, including murderers, rapists, and gang members into the country. A terror cell does not even have to be covert, they can ask for a flight to the US and transport to wherever they want to set-up shop.

The legislature was complicit in this. I was glad to see the first woman become Speaker of the House. Then horrified as she paraded around with the gavel like it was a trophy taken from some great beast. Later she tore up a copy of the State of the Union address as the president finished his speech.


Acts of a petulant child, not a dignified member of Congress. But political games were all the thing, having to pass a bill before knowing what it said. Everything in place for a like-minded president to come to power, tearing down the nation's border security, followed by a hearty "Come on in!!" to everyone no matter how evil they were.

Why? It could be a deranged belief in free access. I subscribe to a simpler theory. Money and power. It was well-established that the president's son was using the office of the presidency to make money from foreign governments. There are strong hints that some money was fed to the father. I believe deals were made to cartels for easy access to the US, allowing for unfettered transit of gang members, their human cargo, women and children for sexual exploitation, and huge amounts of deadly drugs.  In return, money and promises of votes using illegal methods.

This president issued a blanket pardon of the corrupt drug-addicted son. Then commuted nearly every Federal prisoner on death row, claiming he did not believe in the death penalty. Words so fitting a person who belongs in prison awaiting punishment for treason. A modern day Nero, with the blood of thousands on his hands and far more than 13 shekels of silver in his pockets as payment.

I am furious at what has happened. But it's not my job to meet out justice, that task will be handled by the Lord. What matters now is cleaning up the mess. 


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