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Time loop

George Santayana said, "Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it." He implies that historical events are cyclical, often due to people failing to learn from the mistakes others had made. If so, the people involved must have been been remarkably stupid. We're going through a cycle now and true to form people are being stupid.

France 1788, the Ancien RĂ©gime is having a grand old time. After all they're not common folk. They're above those swine, not even subject to the rules they impose in some cases. A year later the aristocracy was literally running for it's life as mobs overthrew the ruling class, frequently sending nobles to the guillotine. The executions became so common it was treated like daytime TV. Children would play, women calmly knitting as the blade plunged down.

Today we are again experiencing a separation of privilege, but there are no aristocrats around. Instead there are members of the legislative and executive branches that have wrapped themselves in purple.

  • Nancy Pelosi.

    The Speaker of the House who tore up a State of Union speech on live TV. Who insists on frequent flights to her home district using military pilots because commercial airlines are not secure enough for her. While home she breaks COVID-19 isolation rules in order to get her hair done. Her most arrogant moment was demanding a health care bill be passed so that its contents could be read.
  • Maxine Waters.

    Congresswoman, black racist, drama queen. Infamous for demanding airlines give her a first-class seating at the expense of a passenger already seated. Demanded that US Sky Marshals be diverted from protecting commercial airline flights, instead boosting her personal security. Recently flew to Minneapolis just to incite a crowd to become more violent towards the police.
  • Joe  Biden.

    The man behind Barrack Obama's disastrous foreign policy missteps. Now as president he has flung the doors open on the southern border, and then killed construction of a major pipeline that employed thousands. All the while denying that there are any problems.
  • John Kerry. 

    The man who threw away his medals in protest, but ran for office claiming to a war hero. Gave the Iranians millions of dollars to not stop developing nuclear weapons. Flies around in a private jet while demanding people curtail their carbon emissions.

All these people freaked out when protesters stormed the Capital, briefly occupying the building. For a moment those controlling the country saw a mob bearing down on them with visions of overthrow. It was Bastille Day 2021, just for a moment. But moments have a habit of reoccurring.


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