During the 2016 presidential election one candidate made a comment about some people favoring her opponent as being "deplorable". It was a comment that was intended to follow up another earlier presidential candidate's comment, in part saying, "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion...". The deplorable comment really hit home and not in a positive way for the woman from New York by way of Arkansas and Illinois. I'm quite sure it cost her Wisconsin along with several other states. She's been in a petulant snit ever since, claiming she was robbed of the office she believes she was entitled to. What both candidates failed to understand is people do cling to religion and have a strong tie to owning firearms. It's not a weakness or some throwback attitude, but basic American philosophy. By trying to denigrate those attitudes they triggered a backlash so massive that years later they're still blinking and saying to themselves, "What h...