I've done a bunch of things in my life. Was one of those smart kids in school. A hard-core bookworm with emphasis on the sciences. Got a Bachelor of Science degree. Worked as a chef. Wore a few stripes working for Uncle Sam. Then spent close to 25 years in California working at a nuclear weapons research facility. Retired. Now a tutor, a mentor, and writing software when I have time. I'll always be a kid from the country. My parent's home is on a large hill. There were farms all around us, alfalfa fields bordering us to the south, west and east. Every season was special, but summer had one activity that was so routine back then and now you rarely encounter. In the shade of a covered porch, my dad and I would sit in our favorite chairs. Some iced tea, lemonade, beer, or a soda along with a cooling breeze made even the muggy days feel nice. We even enjoyed watching the occasional T-storm from that porch - the lightning bolts making quite a show from our dry and safe locat...